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Monmouth news

Friday Round Up - 23rd April

This week’s round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.
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Monmouth news

Becoming better stewards of God's creation

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Monmouth news

Friday Round-Up - 16th April

This week’s round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.
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Monmouth news

Archbishop pays tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh

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Monmouth news

Friday Round Up - 2nd April

This week’s round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.
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Monmouth news

Easter 2021

The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth shares an Easter message with us.
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Monmouth news

Friday Round Up - 26th March

This week’s round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.
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Monmouth news

Friday Round Up - 19th March

This week’s round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.
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Monmouth news

Lead evangelist appointed for Centre of Mission

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