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Vocation Sunday Resources

"Vocation is the place where the world’s greatest need and a person’s greatest joy meet.”Frederick Buechner

The fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally known as Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday as, on this coming Sunday in the gospel reading, Jesus says, ‘I am the Good Shepherd: the good shepherd is the one who lays down his life for his sheep’. So on this day we will specifically pause to reflect on the fact that everyone has a vocation. Vocation means what you are called by God to be and do. For some, this is a specific calling to ministry. For others, it could mean serving God through faithful discipleship in everyday life.

On this Vocations Sunday we give thanks to God that he calls us all to varieties of forms of service in his Church and in the world. And so we pray for openness to his Holy Spirit, that each of us may discern the call of God upon our lives.

“If God gives you something you can do, why in God's name wouldn't you do it?” ― Stephen King

Loving Father,
you call us by name.
As we journey through life
help us to be confident in our own unique identity
and to find opportunities to
develop our own gifts and passions.

We pray that the Holy Spirit
will pour on us wisdom and guidance
to help us realise and follow our dreams,
discerning your plan for our lives. Amen

Dad cariadus,
rwyt Ti’n ein galw ni wrth ein henwau.
Wrth i ni deithio trwy fywyd
helpa ni i fod yn hyderus yn ein hunaniaeth unigryw ein hunain
ac i ganfod cyfleoedd
i ddatblygu’n doniau a’n hangerdd ein hunain.Gweddï wn y bydd yr Ysbryd Glân
yn arllwys doethineb ac arweiniad arnom
i’n helpu wireddu a dilyn ein breuddwydion,
i ddirnad dy gynllun ar gyfer ein bywydau. Amen

Pob Bendith,

Revd Becca

In order to explore and discern we have created some resources (see below) for you to use in your local context or on a personal level. We would like to encourage you to use sermon produced by Archdeacon Ian this Sunday - it is available as a downloadable video. We have also provided intercessions and Sunday school materials.

Vocation Sunday Resources

Vocation Sunday sermon with The Venerable Ian Rees Archdeacon of Monmouth & Diocesan Director of Ministry & Discipleship