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Midweek Mailing

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Our weekly round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.

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We'd like to reach as many people as possible so if there's anyone you think would like to receive the Midweek Mailing who doesn't already, please send them the link below so they can subscribe. email

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5th June 2024

Highlights: Revd Kevin Hasler appointed as Associate Priest at St Stephen's, Pill; Read about the success of the Churches Unlocked; Find various funding resources from easyfundraising and The Co-op

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19th June 2024

Highlights: Exciting news about our church hubs; Ordinations - read about our ordinands; Looking for a new opportunity? Vacancy for Ministry Area Leader in the Netherwent MA is now live

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12th June 2024

Highlights: Churches Unlocked Festival gets off to a great start; launch of new music award; eco fair this weekend!

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