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Midweek Mailing

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Our weekly round up of some of the things happening across the diocese.

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We'd like to reach as many people as possible so if there's anyone you think would like to receive the Midweek Mailing who doesn't already, please send them the link below so they can subscribe. email

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24th July 2024

Highlights: Archbishop Andrew John is calling on all churches to take part in Safeguarding Sunday; We say welcome to Ralph Aladese and David Williams in their new roles; We say farewell to Emma Gibbins, Newport Cathedral's Director of Music

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17th July 2024

Highlights: Fr David Matthews appointed as Ministry Area Leader for Beechwood; Register to join the Food Pantry Network to meet other volunteers running foodbanks or similar projects; Interested in becoming a chaplain for ABUHB? Then read on to find out more

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10th July 2024

Highlights: Year 6 Leavers Service reminds students they are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'; Meet 2 new members of our church buildings team; Places available at St Padarns in September to learn Welsh

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