Vicar takes to the skies

A local vicar is taking to the skies to raise money towards the restructuring of St Cadoc’s Church, Caerleon.
Revd Sue Pratten is gearing up to take part in a sponsored tandem sky-dive at the start of July to help fund exciting and bold plans which would see the church become a more flexible space for use by the wider community.
Sue says: “We are looking to build a worship and community space fit for the future! The church has served its faithful worshippers for hundreds of years, but the fabric of the building requires a much needed ‘face-lift.’
“These plans are incredibly exciting – but require funding! I’ve never done a sky-dive before – but I feel now is the time and it would be wonderful if people could donate what they can.
“I am really looking forward to the jump, and will be praying that the weather is good on that morning. Photographs and a video will be taken to record and share the event with the church family at St. Cadoc's.”
Discussions have been taking place for many years about how the project should progress, but plans are now at a point where they have the support of heritage groups, local authority, and the wider community and work is ready to begin!
Chancellor Mark Powell KC wrote in his judgement, “This petition has, I am told, been some 20 years in the making, has undergone many modifications in the planning and I regard it as a praiseworthy and necessary attempt to ensure that for years to come St Cadoc’s will continue to rival the Roman remains in Caerleon as a viable building of significant religious, cultural and historical importance.”
Some of the improvements include replacing the pews with stackable chairs to create flexibility; a hospitality area with toilets and a fully fitted kitchen and a more environmentally friendly heating system. You can find out more about the project at
Revd Sue will be taking part in the sky-dive on Saturday 1st July at Swansea Airfield. Sponsor forms are now available in church, to download here or email or give via JustgivingSkydive