Revd Stella Bailey installed as Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys

Welcome to our new Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys and Director of Mission, Revd Stella Bailey.
Stella was installed on Sunday (19th June) at Newport Cathedral in a wonderful service surrounded by friends, family and local dignitaries.
The service was led by The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth, who encouraged us to ‘rejoice’ that God has called Stella to serve in our diocese and to pray for God’s blessing as she plays her part in ‘leading and guiding, equipping and inspiring the people of God to respond to God’s loving invitation and to become all that we were created and called to be.’
In her sermon, Bishop Cherry, reminded us of Jesus’ words - ‘do not fear, only believe’ and remarked that Stella was joining us at an exciting time in the life of this diocese.
She said: “Here, we are learning together to trust that God holds out before us a hopeful future. We’re learning to discern what God is asking of us – as individual followers of Jesus, as congregations and Ministry Areas and as a diocese - and to be faithful in responding to his invitation. We’re learning to grow together in faith and to work together with hope, as we serve the communities in which God has placed us and seek to build with him the kind of world that reflects the Kingdom of God. We’re learning to put aside any fear and anxiety that threatens to bind us and to believe and trust in the power and purposes of God even though we do not know what lies ahead.”
Stella, a former police officer, joins us from Coventry where she served as vicar and Area Dean.
Read more about Stella's background and appointment New Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys and Director of Mission announced - Monmouth Diocese (