New Canon Residentiary at Newport Cathedral

We are delighted to announce that Revd Andrew Lightbown is to be Canon Residentiary of Newport Cathedral, in the Diocese of Monmouth.
Andrew has been ordained for eight years and has served as Rector of the Winslow Benefice since 2016. The Winslow Benefice is a member of Inclusive Church and is committed to diversity across the church. Andrew is a trustee of Inclusive Church. Andrew is also passionate about mission. He is a tutor in Mission and Evangelism on the Oxford Diocese Local Ministry Pathway and has sought to ensure that a commitment to the Five Marks of Mission is characteristic of benefice life. He is looking forward to helping the cathedral shape its mission and ministry.
Before ordination Andrew worked for as a University Lecturer and as an executive in the Fund Management industry.
Reflecting on his appointment Andrew said: 'When I came for the interviews I felt a real sense of warmth, love even, for the cathedral building, the cathedral team, and the City of Newport. I hope my ministry at the cathedral will always be built on the strong foundations of warmth and love.'
The Dean of Newport, The Very Revd Ian Black, said: “I am delighted that Andrew has accepted the position. Everyone who met him as part of the interview process warmed to him instantly and we were impressed with his enthusiasm for coming to Newport. The choristers even gave him 15 out of 10 when they met him. We look forward to welcoming Andrew and Sallyanne in the Spring and to working with him in the service of Christ and to help build up the life and faith of the Cathedral community.”
Bishop Cherry said: “Andrew brings with him a wealth of experience and wisdom which will be an asset both to the Cathedral and the Diocese of Monmouth. I very much look forward to welcoming him and his family to Newport and to working with him in these times of challenge and opportunity.”
Andrew is married to Sallyanne, a podiatrist, and has two daughters: Katherine who is married to Sam, and Lilly who is engaged to Chloe. They also have a fluffy and high-pitched Samoyed called Kim. Both Sallyanne and Andrew are passionate rugby fans. Their local team is Northampton Saints, but they intend to spend a fair bit of time at Rodney Parade! Andrew and Sallyanne have Welsh connections and their eldest daughter is a Welsh international shot – long range rifles.
Andrew and Sallyanne will move to Newport in February and he will be licensed by Bishop Cherry and installed by the Dean at 4.00pm on Sunday 6th March 2022.