New archdeacon and canons installed at cathedral

A wonderful Choral Evensong was held at Newport Cathedral this weekend to install a new Archdeacon of Monmouth and six new canons.
The cathedral was as full as it could be within current restrictions, and it was lovely that a few friends and family could be there to lend their support.
The Revd Canon Ian Rees was installed as Archdeacon of Monmouth and Director of Ministry & Discipleship, while Rod Davies, Fay Howe, Peter Lea, Revd Mark Owen, Major Colin Walsh and Caroline Woollard were installed as cathedral canons.
In her sermon, the Rt Rev Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth, said: "Today, within the richness of this offering, we’re licensing, installing and praying for a number of people as they take up a new ministry within the diocese. Together, those being installed represent a breadth of ministries that make up the life of the diocese, and a vital link between our cathedral church and the churches in our Ministry Areas. Each one of them, in their different ways, will be working as part of a team; offering their gifts, their insights and their prayers in collaboration with others."
During her sermon, Bishop Cherry also reflected on the imperative of discerning the mind of Christ and holding on to the centrality God..
She said: "So, as we pray for Ian, for Rod, Fay, Peter, Mark, Colin and Caroline as they take up their new roles in our diocese, we pray for ourselves and the whole of our diocese. That we may focus our attention and effort on discerning the mind of Christ and acknowledge the centrality of God in all that we think and say and do; working together to become the church, the Body of Christ, God calls us to be."
Speaking after the service, The Venerable Ian Rees, said: “I’m honoured and excited to have this new role in a time of both challenge and opportunity for the church and I look forward to getting to know more of the people and places around the diocese.”