Ministry Areas - putting ourselves in a place from which we can build

Our diocese has been on the journey towards establishing Ministry Areas for at least five years and the time has come to complete the work.
A Ministry Area is a group of churches, served by a team of lay and ordained ministers where resources are shared and churches join together in their common life of faith and worship, witness and service.
As Bishop Cherry says: “We must trust God to lead us into the new and shape us for the mission and ministry to which we are called.”
These last few months have highlighted what we have already known for some time, that we need to discover new ways of ‘being church’. In order to do this as effectively as possible, we need clear structures in place, and we need to work together.
In his letter to the Church in Ephesus, St Paul writes:
‘we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped as each part is working properly promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.’ (Eph 4: 15b – 16)
Several key meetings have recently been held with Standing Committee and members of clergy whose posts are affected by the planned changes.
Diocesan Secretary, Isabel Thompson, says: “Meetings with Standing Committee and the Clergy have all been positive, engaging and hopeful I’m looking forward to more detailed discussions in the New Year!
“There is still work to be done, however, it is hoped the process will be complete by the end of next year, meaning we can look forward to 2022 with a renewed vision and a sustainable future!”
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