Lent 2022

LENT 2022: Resources & Courses
Lent is traditionally a time when people have turned their attention to some extra study and reflection about their relationship with God. In support of this, please find some daily reflections and Lent course resources below.
Daily Reflections
We hope the attached short readings and reflections will be of use to you throughout Lent. These short reflections begin with a reading for Ash Wednesday and continue daily until Easter Sunday. We invite you to take a few minutes each day during this period to think about the brief quotations, and your own thoughts and response.
DOWNLOAD (PDF)Lent Course Recommendations
This year, the diocese is producing a course for the post-Easter period based on the 5 themes explored at the Diocesan Conference. We hope that you will take the opportunity to run that course but we also hope you will be able to hold some traditional Lent courses - either in person or online!
There are lots of different Lent Courses available but if you’re struggling for ideas here are some that might be of interest (there are many more around as well).
DOWNLOAD (PDF)During this Lenten period, take time to reflect on your life and pray for the
future. Lent is a time of reflection and cleansing - it is a time and an
opportunity to get closer to God.
Pob bendith! Every blessing!