Launch of Diocesan Vision
Bold vision will develop confidence, capacity and competence
Following lengthy discussions and consultations with many members from our church family, an exciting vision for our future was launched at our recent Diocesan Conference.
Under the strapline of ‘Faith in our Future’ the vision was incredibly well received by the 150 delegates who were all keen to take the vision and interpret it in their ministry areas.
The Ven Stella Bailey introduced the new vision, explaining that it had been developed “….to apply the five marks of mission into our context to bring meaning, momentum, fruit and growth to our common life.
“It is a vision that asks us to look with clear eyes at the landscape in which we are called to carry out God’s mission, to step back and see the context of our diocese, the context of our ministry areas and the context of our worshipping communities and to shape God’s story so that it enables others to listen to the possibility of God’s love in their life.”
The vision is based on five branches - discipleship, stewardship, care for the environment, social justice and equality and diversity. As Archdeacon Stella reminded us, “the good news is that in so many of our worshipping communities we already see the fruit of this ministry as different aspects of our vision is already being lived out.”
It is hoped the vision will “inspire creative thinking, so that contextually and working together you can best use your time, energy and gifts to live out the great commission in a directed, intentional way.”
The launch of the vision is accompanied by lots of resources to help ministry areas interpret it in their own, individual contexts, as explained by The Ven Ian Rees and Diocesan Secretary Isabel Thompson.
Speaking at the conference, Archdeacon Ian explained that he, and Archdeacon Stella will be out and about in the 16 ministry areas to help ministry teams and councils develop their vision. There are also lots of other resources available to support and encourage our ministry areas to embrace the vision.
Accompanying the new diocesan vision, the Bishop’s Staff Team has also produced a strategy to ensure we use our resources to best enable that vision to be realised. The strategy is about being good stewards of the gifts God has given us. It is about ensuring that we are planning for and seeking opportunities for mission, all of which is underpinned by prayer.
Isabel explained that the strategy “sets some plans and targets for the next 10 years and is intended to be a living document which will foster a culture of accountability and ambition throughout the diocese.”
It will “set a culture for the diocese which will enable us to build upon our work of the last two years and continue to help develop the confidence, capacity and competence around growth and Evangelism.”
Archdeacon Ian and Archdeacon Stella, as our Directors of Ministry and Mission, will be in contact with Ministry Area Leaders in the coming weeks to arrange ministry area visioning sessions in each of our 16 ministry areas.
Together we can ensure that the vision is realised in all our communities throughout the diocese.
Diocesan Vision 2022

find out more....
Diocesan Vision Courses

Download our diocesan discipleship courses below.
Each course follows the core branches our vision:
Discipleship - Stewardship - Environment - Social Justice - Equality & Diversity
Other resources have been developed to accompany the vision and they can be downloaded here....
Pause for Prayer booklet