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Advent means ‘coming’ and is the special four-week period leading up to Christmas. It is a time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’s birth but also for his coming in glory at the end of time.

Home For clergy and members Advent 2021

Advent 2021

Advent is a wonderful but often overlooked season in the church calendar. For many it is associated simply with getting ready for Christmas, but Advent is much more than that. It is a season when we take time out to prepare for the coming again of Jesus, something we celebrate as we mark his birth at Christmas, but something we also await as he has promised to return one day.

We’ve put this course together to help make this season a special time of reflection and expectation, of hope and trust and of re-commitment. Above all, we hope that you will make this season about Jesus and make it about you and your relationship with him and with the people and the creation around you.