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Team Vicar - Netherwent Ministry Area

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We are looking for a Team Vicar who will passionately engage with the ministry team, congregations and communities to help our ministry area to grow.The person we would like for this role will have:A heart for community, for mission and evangelism and for nurturing disciples.A servant-heart, who is confident, possesses good relational skills and who is prepared to be ‘hands-on’ whilst not losing sight of the ‘bigger picture’.Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to forge, maintain and develop good relationships with people of all ages including schools, young people and their families.Vision to recognise the contribution and value of each individual church, whilst also seeking to foster a sense of unity and purpose across the Ministry Area as a whole.Be a good communicator who recognises the importance of teamwork and collaborative ministry.For an informal conversation please contactRevd Dan Frett07966

Resources block 3

Team Vicar

Profile - Team Vicar - Netherwent Ministry Area

Application Form - Team Vicar - Netherwent Ministry Area

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Applications should be submitted by email to the Archdeacon of date for applications:14th April 2025Interviews will take place shortly afterwardsWe are striving to be an inclusive diocese and would welcome applications from all suitably qualified clerics.