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New vicar announced for Tredegar Park Ministry Area

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We are delighted to announce that Revd Kate O’Sullivan has been appointed as Vicar in the Tredegar Park Ministry Area.Kate moved to the diocese from Manchester two years ago and is currently Ministry Area Leader in Mid Torfaen.In announcing the appointment, The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth, says: "I commend Kate for her openness and willingness to explore a new challenge in a new Ministry Area and am delighted that the interview panel discerned in Kate qualities and gifts that will fit well in the Tredegar Park Ministry Area and enhance the work of the ministry team."Kate has a wealth of experience and is looking forward to joining the people of Tredegar Park Ministry Area and in particular, St John's in Rogerstone.She says: "I'm very much looking forward to getting to know people and journeying with them in our faith and mission, exploring together God's will for us."Kate's licensing will be held on Sunday 23rd April at 4pm, St Basil's, Bassaleg.

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