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Civic Memorial service for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

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A Civic Memorial Service for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be held at Newport Cathedral on Sunday 18th September at 4pm.The special service will be attended by civic dignitaries and multi-faith leaders, reflecting the late Queen's concern for all faiths and the freedom of religious belief.The service will be lead by The Rt Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth and will remember, with great thanksgiving, the years of dedicated service Her Majesty gave to her realm, praying for her and all who mourn her. All are welcome to attend and the service will also be livestreamed here.The Order of Service is also available Order of ServiceDuring this period of mourning the Cathedral will be open from 10am till 3pm for remembrance and reflection.There will be a Book of Remembrance for those who wish to sign.

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