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Launch of new fund to tackle injustice and support those in need

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As a diocese we are currently working on developing a vision for our future.One of the key themes of this vision is the need to be more involved in tackling social injustice - supporting and growing our churches’ initiatives to be more outwardly socially responsible.The horrific scenes in Ukraine have prompted us to expediate our plans in this area and we are now launching a new fund to support these initiatives earlier than expected. We are asking for donations from across the dioceses to grow this fund.Bishop Cherry, explains: “We hope that people will contribute to this fund as it will help our churches support those most in need, when they need it most.”“Initially, the funds will be used to help the thousands of refugees from Ukraine who are arriving in Wales seeking sanctuary from the horrific violence and devastation being wreaked on that country. However, it will also be available to support the work being done by our churches in welcoming refugees from all over the world, as well as developing projects which tackle the causes of injustice which lead to huge discrepancies in life expectancy, health, education and Income throughout our diocese."It is estimated that as many as 3,000 people, mainly women and children, could be arriving in the next few days and weeks in the areas that make up the Diocese of Monmouth. Congregations and church members will be keen to do all we can to support and help them as they seek to settle amongst us.Bishop Cherry, says: “Our thought is to have our own fund so that we could help local churches better support refugees in their community and bring those who are quite isolated together.”“This will be available to resource our support work locally in terms of practical and pastoral care as well as funding other things such as translation services so that we can offer emotional and spiritual support where that is needed.“Please be as generous as you can. Ongoing support for the refugees who come here is going to be needed for many months and most likely years, and their needs are only going to increase as time goes by. Whatever you give will be used wisely and well. Thank you.”Details of how to donate to the fund and also how to apply for funding will be available shortly. Please think of this fund when you are fundraising over Lent.

Welsh content

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Bishop Cherry reflects on the current crisis in UkraineBishop Cherry reminds us that peace is more than the absence of war or conflict. Watch the film below.