Legal and financial
Under these plans the members of the Ministry Area Council will become the charity trustees. Does this make then liable if something goes wrong?
Members of our PCCs are already charity trustees because all parishes are currently excepted charities. When we move to Ministry Areas, the Ministry Area Council will be the PCC and we will need to make sure that our governance structures are formed properly and trustee training will be provided so that all trustees understand their responsibilities. If we get this right, then we can reduce the risks to the trustees. Trustee liability is also covered by the Ministry Area insurance policy with EIG.
What do these plans mean for Deaneries?
The Diocese will be reconfigured to have three Deaneries each covering the same territory as the three Archdeaconries. Each will have an Area Dean, a Clergy Chapter and a Deanery Conference with representation from all the MAs in the Deanery. In addition to fulfilling its constitutional functions, the Deanery will become a focus for support, encouragement, sharing of good practice, training and equipping God’s people for mission.
Will all the church buildings in the Ministry Areas remain open or is there also a plan to reduce the number?
These plans are not about closing churches and they have been drawn up to provide more resources to our smaller parishes and not less. We do not yet know the impact that Covid-19 will have on our buildings and congregations and we don’t know who might decide to continue to worship on-line and not return to our buildings.
How will we decide who is in the Ministry Area Council? Will there be a representative from each church?
In a Ministry Area, the Ministry Area Council (MAC) will become the PCC and, as such, the membership is governed by the Constitution of the Church in Wales. The is no requirement for each church to be represented on MAC as this may result in the trustee body becoming too large to function efficiently.However, in order to make sure that the voices of all parts of the Ministry Area are heard and good relationships are maintained with individual church congregations, a Ministry Area Forum may be set up to act as a consultative body to the MAC. The Forum will have no legal or constitutional authority but may be seen as an aid to furthering the mission of the Ministry Area. The Ministry Area Transition Team can determine if it would be helpful to have such a body and draw up the method of appointment of the membership of the Forum.More information on the membership of the MAC can be found in section 1.5 of the Governance Toolkit.
Will each church get their own committee?
This is a decision that needs to be taken by each Ministry Area. Each church or group of churches within the Ministry Area may have a church committee and appoint sub-wardens. The Ministry Area Council will decide which powers to delegate and, unless pre-authorised, all decisions of these sub-committees must be ratified by the MAC which retains overall responsibility.
We are concerned that decisions about local churches will be taken at a distance, both geographically and socially, from the people who care for and maintain them.
We understand the importance of the local networks and collaboration, especially in our more rural areas, and recognise this concern. Therefore, the governance structure we are putting in place will ensure we continue to build the confidence of local communities and ensure the voice of the local church is heard.A Ministry Area Forum may be set up to act as a consultative body to the MAC. The Ministry Area Transition Team can determine if it would be helpful to have such a body and draw up the method of appointment of the membership of the Forum.
Can each church retain its own bank account?
The aim is for the Ministry Area to operate one current account, in the name of the MA. This account should be used for all payments and receipts which can be analysed into the various church funds through the use of the myfundaccounting accounting system.In the short to medium term the Ministry Area may allow the churches to operate their own bank accounts, however the funds remain legally under the control of the MAC and, as such, operational controls and safeguards need to be put in place. Trustees need to exercise effective general control over their charity’s bank accounts and make regular checks to ensure that these are operating as intended and are consistent with the internal financial records.