Revd Canon Jeremy Harris announces retirement

The Revd Canon Jeremy Harris has given notice of his intention to step back from stipendiary ministry at the end of May 2024.
Currently Ministry Area Leader and Area Dean of Netherwent Ministry Area, Revd Jeremy has been part of our diocese for more than 25 years.
Speaking about his decision, he said: "On Advent Sunday it will be 14 years since I first arrived in the area and now seems to be the right time for me to relinquish my responsibilities and move on to a new season of life and ministry.
"As you may be aware I was due to take a three-month sabbatical early in 2024 but for various reasons decided to postpone this. My plan is to take time off during the summer and autumn to recharge and consider what next and then towards the end of the year to help out in the Diocese as required.
"There will be time next year for goodbyes but for now I would like to say what an immense privilege it has been to serve here over the years and how deeply indebted I am for the love and support shown to me by so many of you. You are very much in my prayers."
Bishop Cherry said: ‘There will be opportunity later on to thank Jeremy for the much valued ministry he has exercised in the diocese over 25 years of formal ministry; first, as a Reader (1998-2007) and then as an ordained minister (2007 to date). For now, I want to express my gratitude to him for giving us time to begin the process of appointing a new Ministry Area Leader whilst he is still in post. With the Revd Pete Letson leaving at the end of this year, it is important that we get a new Ministry Area Leader in place as soon as possible (hopefully this side of the summer) so that she or he can be part of the process of finding a new Team Vicar to replace Pete.
"We hope to get a profile in place for an advertisement to go out early in the new year and an interview to take place before Easter.
"Please keep the congregations of the Netherwent Ministry Area in your prayers as they embrace a significant period of change. Pray too for Jeremy, as he holds the ministry area through another transition and for the other members of the ministry team."