Ordinations - class of '24

A joyous service was held at Newport Cathedral on Saturday 29 June to ordain our new deacons and priests.
Friends and family filled the cathedral to support and celebrate with those who have been called into ministry in the Diocese of Monmouth.
During the service, The Rt Revd Cherry Vann ordained three deacons and three priests.
The Ven Karen Best, Archdeacon of Manchester who had led the candidates on their ordination retreat, gave a warm and welcoming sermon.
During her sermon she spoke of "metaphorical keys given to those who respond to the call, to help unlock the mysteries of God both on earth and in heaven."
Speaking of the ordinands, she said: "My vision is that you have been given your own very colourful, bespoke, individual keys – pink ones, sparkly ones, catholic ones and evangelical ones, poetical ones, artistic ones - keys that are designed just for you and for the specific doors God will be calling you to open up to the divine mysteries."
You can read a transcript of the full sermon here.
Please hold our ordinands in your prayers.
Ordained Deacon:
Ashley Davies to serve in the Abergavenny Ministry Area with Revd Lea Ryder
Marlwyn Nixon to serve in the Cwmbran Ministry Area with Revd Wendy Tayler
Liane Miriam Chalmers to serve in the St Illtyd Ministry Area with Revd Tony Hodges
Ordained Priest:
The Revd Julia Durham to continue to serve in the Tredegar Park Ministry Area with Revd Chris Stone
The Revd Dawn Lindsay to continue to serve in the Newport North West Ministry Area with Revd Canon Rebecca Stevens
The Revd William Savage to continue to serve in the Heart of Monmouthshire Ministry Area with Revd Sally Ingle-Gillis
We caught up with a few of our ordinands ....

Having grown up in the former mining town of Blackwood, I have a deep understanding of the importance of community. For an area of deprivation, there is still a strong sense of pride and community spirit which enables deep and lasting friendships.
Whilst I was not raised in a Christian household and faith was never something that was discussed, this was due to the belief that my sister and I should come to faith if we wished. Other than my baptism, and the occasional funeral later in my teens, I had little involvement with the Church.
My faith journey began when I had an experience which opened my eyes to the divine. This occurred while I was studying for a bachelor degree in Computer Forensics at Liverpool John Moores University. It was because of this experience that I felt called to ordination. I attended church and received communion for the first time at midnight mass while I was home for Christmas. After discussing my experience with the local priest, Fr Mark Owen, I returned to Liverpool where I continued my exploration. This led me to be confirmed on the feast of Pentecost that year. After completing my degree, I came home and immediately started the discernment process whilst worshipping in my sending church of St David’s, Fleur-de-lis, where I was baptised all those years ago.
During my placement, I had the life-changing opportunity to minister at St David's Hospice in Newport, which deepened my understanding of compassionate healthcare and reinforced my passion for serving others in need. It was also an incredible way to give back to an organisation that helped my family through the most difficult period of our lives.
My spirituality is modelled around the Blessed Virgin Mary, who inspires me with her unwavering faith, devotion, humility, and compassion. My deep love and affinity for the mother of our Lord has, in turn, brought a deeper connection to Christ. St Louis de Montfort (1673-1716) believed that in order to thoroughly follow Jesus, one had to go through Mary first and urged total consecration to Jesus through Mary.
I am excited about serving in the diverse and vibrant community of Abergavenny, working alongside dedicated clergy and laity to support and nurture the spiritual growth of the Ministry Area. I am eager to engage with the various ministries and outreach programs within the Abergavenny Ministry Area, building relationships with residents and being a part of their journey towards a deeper connection with the Christian faith.
Sant Gwynllyw, gweddiä drosom.
Sancta Maria, Mater Sacerdotes, ora pro nobi

Liane completed her training at Ripon College Cuddesdon undertaking the Common Awards MA programme. She has 4 children and is moving from the Isle of Wight. She enjoys being creative, writing poetry, making jewellery and decorating cakes! Looking back Liane feels she should have heard her ordination at the of 14 but she managed to be Jonah for 30yrs! Her favourite Bible quote has kept her going through her tumultuous past few years. It is from 1 Peter 2: God did not call you to fit in. The Saint with which she identifies with most is St Anthony who is suitable suggested as the patron for all those whose lives have been uprooted and set in a new and unexpected direction. For her, Liane believes that her ministry is called to be there for those who find themselves of the fringes of acceptance, or who believe that the church would not accept them for any reason. She desires to show that there is a perfectly shaped place for them somewhere, it’s just a matter of finding where you fit and then working together from there. Liane is choosing to take a middle name as a mark of her ordination. She has chosen Miriam because it has a secondary meaning of being a little bit rebellious.

I'm very excited to be coming to the Cwmbran ministry area this summer to start curacy with my husband Phil and our cat Coco. We are looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know people. My passion is creating creative services that help people to meet God best, where they are.
I grew up in a large family in Oxfordshire and came to faith shortly before studying at Aberystwyth university, where I enjoyed being a part of a vibrant church family before moving to Cardiff during COVID lockdowns, to train at St Padarn’s Institute.
In my spare time I enjoy knitting, reading, playing video games, drinking tea and canal boating with friends and family.

My diaconate year seems to have flown by, I guess that happens when you're having fun. I am thoroughly enjoying getting stuck back in to ministry after training. The people of the ministry area in Tredegar Park have been warm and welcoming, and that has really helped me to settle in and to explore what God is doing in this place. After my priesting I am very much looking forward to my first eucharist as celebrant and developing some ideas around making church a more accessible place for everyone and finding out how we can be more eco friendly, nurturing and enjoying the environment around us.

I have enjoyed my deacon year very much, especially discovering more of our 20 churches in the Ministry Area and their congregations. It has made me more fully appreciate the huge amount of service that the wardens and laity contribute to the church in ensuring that Gods' presence and message is available to all.
I have been very fortunate to serve a number of different priests and to learn from their generous ministry. I was humbled and spiritually enthused in attending the Diocesan link visit to the Highveld. Whilst the people we encountered had so many practical and living needs, there were spiritually rich and inspiring to worship with.
I very much look forward to being ordained priest and to continuing to serve our local churches, schools and people as part of a super clergy team.