New canons appointed at cathedral

Five new canons have been appointed at Newport Cathedral.
Bishop Cherry, in consultation with the Dean, has appointed the new Canons to fill vacancies that have arisen.
Bishop Cherry says: ‘It is always a joy to appoint new Canons to the Cathedral and a particular joy this time to welcome two people from other Christian denominations. I look forward to all that they will bring to enhance the life and witness of the cathedral as we work to celebrate our unity in Christ."
Dean Ian Black say: “I am delighted at the appointment of these faithful servants of the church and partners in the gospel to be canons of the Cathedral. I look forward to installing them in September and everything they will bring to the Cathedral’s wider ministry."
The new canons are:
The Revd Sally Ingle-Gillis, MAL in the Heart of Monmouthshire MA
The Revd Justin Groves, Vicar in the Newport North West MA
The Revd David Matthews, Vicar in the Beechwood MA
Captain Kathryn Stowers, Divisional Ecumenical Officer for the Salvation Army
The Revd Canon Gareth Powell, Former Secretary of the Methodist Conference and Pro Chancellor of Cardiff University.
They will be installed at a service of Choral Evensong at 4pm on Sunday September 22nd.