Happy St David's Day!

"Byddwch lawen.
Cadwch eich ffydd a’ch cred.
A gwnewch y pethau bychain a welsoch ac a glywsoch gennyf i."
The last words of Dewi Sant
Many of us feel a little more patriotic on St David's Day, even more proud of our heritage and language. As a diocese we are committed to increasing the use of the Welsh language and have a Welsh language group which meets regularly to discuss how this can be achieved.
We hold monthly Welsh services and would encourage anyone who is able to conduct a service in Welsh, or may even be holding services that we don't know about, to get in touch - Vicki Stevens PA to Rt Reverend Cherry Vann – Bishop of Monmouth
There are lots of resources on the Church in Wales website to 'develop our provision so that our mission and ministry in Welsh – as in English – may be strengthened and be given new opportunities to flourish.'