Visioning Resources

We have been doing lots of work around what the 'vision' of our Diocese may look like as we explore 'Faith in our Future'.
Initial discussions and workshops were held at our Diocesan Conference last October, focusing on Five key themes of
- Stewardship
- Discipleship
- Equality & Diversity
- Caring for Creation
- Social Justice.
The findings from this conference were all pulled together in a report for Standing Committee and forms the basis for further group work taking place during a half-day session on Saturday 19th March 2022 hosted by Bishop Cherry.
The initial outcome from each of these groups will be a list of goals related to each of these themes that are relevant to our whole diocesan family. The aim is for these goals to inspiring, robust and all-encompassing.
The aim is to have a completed diocesan vision ready to launch at the October 2022 Diocesan Conference.
Our Five Branches - Diocesan Vision Course

We hope that you will find this course to be interesting, informative, challenging but above all enjoyable. The themes that are covered in each session are life giving and transformative – for us, for our churches and for other people. We hope that having the opportunity to meet with others to discuss these themes will inevitably bring questions but also open up a recognition of the opportunities we have as a church.
2022 Diocesan Vision Course - Our Five Branches
DOWNLOAD (PDF)Vision Films
Five short films, focusing on our key themes, are being released over the coming weeks as work continues in developing our diocesan vision.
What's happened so far.......
Vision and Strategy Day
We had a very successful vision and strategy day at St Teilo’s School when representatives from across the diocese met to build on the work done at the October Conference.
There was a lot of engagement and some really exciting ideas that emerged.
Please pray for those involved, that we may be open to the Spirit’s guidance as we develop a vision and strategy to shape the witness and work of the churches in our diocese for the coming 5-10 years.
2021 Conference Films
Five short films were produced for our Diocesan Conference last year (October 2021). They looked at the five key themes which will help shape our discussions about vision over the coming weeks.
Following discussions and workshops at Diocesan Conference, a report was produced for Standing Committee which summarised the feedback from the initial discussions about the 5 diocesan themes and how they could be incorporated into our Diocesan vision.