
Words on this page


‘Bishop’ comes from the Greek word for ‘overseer’. So a bishop is a senior Christian minister authorised to have oversight for God’s people. As well as duties given to deacons and priests, bishops confirm and ordain.


‘Diocese’ refers to the geographical territory in which a bishop exercises oversight. The Church in Wales is divided into six dioceses each with its own cathedral in which is housed the cathedra (the bishop’s ‘chair’ or ‘throne’).


‘Eucharist’ comes from the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving’. At the Eucharist the Church remembers Jesus’ last supper where he gave bread and wine to be his body and blood, a sign of his saving love. See also Holy Communion.


Prayer sustains our human relationship with God and may involve words (formal or informal) or be silent. Prayer can involve adoration (‘I love you’), confession (‘sorry’), thanksgiving and supplication (‘please’).

Home For clergy and members Churches Unlocked '24

Churches Unlocked '24

(8th - 16th June)

We are really excited that 14 of our churches are taking part in Churches Unlocked: Hidden Gems - which kicks off this weekend!

The event runs from Saturday 8th to Sunday 16th June and gives churches the chance to celebrate and share their ‘Hidden Gems’. This is the second year the Diocese of Monmouth are taking part and more of our churches than ever will be opening and holding events.

You can view many of the events below, with more being added. With community events, family fun, music, arts, workshops and special services there is plenty for everyone and it would be great to get more people than ever visiting so why not pop along!

Christchurch, Abergavenny

North Street, Abergavenny, NP7 7EB

Homemade refreshments in Community Hall in aid of Target Ovarian Cancer, limited parking in North St, flat access to Community Hall, ramped access to church, toilets

Church open daily, 11:30am – 5:30pm


Hidden gem - a wooden clad church constructed in 1879 to serve the railway workers and growing population of Abergavenny

Sunday 9 June, following Morning Prayer at 9.30am (all welcome!) Christchurch will be open to visitors and serving refreshments in the church hall in conjunction with the local Cantref Open Gardens event.

Christchurch, Govilon

Govilon, Abergavenny, NP7 9PY

The church is on a fairly steep hill giving panoramic views of the Usk valley but is not easily accessible on foot

Hidden Gem - local history and stained glass windows

Church open – June 8th, 2pm – 4pm

Church warden guides of local history and stained glass windows

St Arvan, St Arvan’s

Chepstow, NP16 6ET

Saturday 8th June - “ Tea & Chat “ in Meeting Rooms as usual, please feel free to come over to the church for a visit.

Sunday 9th June, 10am - Sung Eucharist - all are warmly welcomed, coffee and cakes served afterwards.

Monday 10th June - “ Open Session “ for local schools to visit, refreshments provided.

Tuesday 11th June, 7pm - Illustrated talk on THE CAMINO : with interval for Spanish snacks! With Father Michael Gollop.(UNFORTUNATELY, THIS EVENT HAS HAD TO POSTPONED)

Wednesday 12th June - Meditation Day, St Arvans Church will be open all day for silent reflection or meditation. Come and go as you like. Take in the awe of our beautiful church. Refreshments will be available. The day will end at 8pm when Father Michael will close with Night Prayer.

Friday 14th June, 6-8pm. St Arvans with St Marys, Penterry, “Wine, Wander and a little light music at Wyndcliffe Court”.

Followed by at 7.30pm. in St Arvans Church : Illustrated talk on The Reverend Arthur Purchas by Mr David Priddis who has carried out extensive research into this missionary who has links to St Arvans.

St Cenhedlon

Rockfield, Monmouth, NP25 5QB

Refreshments, parking area across the road.


Hidden Gem – The Historic Church

Saturday 8th June, 10am – 3pm – enjoy refreshments whilst looking round the historic and peaceful church. Information available about the RC Bishop buried under the alter.

St Deiniol’s, Itton

Itton, Chepstow, NP16 6BR

Flat access via back gate, parking along the road


Hidden Gem – the church!

Sunday 9th June, 11:30am - Animal Blessing Service (church open 10am – 5pm)

Wednesday 12th June, 2:30pm - "A Walk on the Wild Side" talk by Lesley Kelly, with tea and cakes to follow (church open 10am – 5pm)

Thursday 13th June, 7:30pm - concert by Alethea Ensemble, in aid of Joy of Learning, a charity working in Uganda, with craft items for sale and tea and coffee after the concert (church open 10am – 9:30pm)

St Hilda's, Griffithstown

Griffithstown, Pontypool, NP4 5LT

Refreshments, toilets and parking available, disabled access by arrangement

Church open daily, 10am – 4pm


Hidden Gem – West Window (Royal Family)

Saturday 8th June, 2pm - Guided tour of the hidden Gems (Stained Glass Windows)

Wednesday 12th June, 6pm - Guided tour of the hidden Gems

Friday 14th June, 11am - Guided tour of the hidden Gems

Sunday 9th June, Bishop of Monmouth will be officiating at the Eucharist.

Saturday 15th June, 3pm Afternoon tea

Church Records will be on view throughout the week along with a display of wedding photos that have taken place in St Hilda's throughout the years

St Mary's Priory Church, Abergavenny

Monk Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5ND

Ample parking in adjacent council run car park, level going into the church, tea and coffee available in the Tithe Barn from Crafting4Cancer, artist in residence may be in his open studio

Hidden Gem - extensive mediaeval monuments, part of giant Jesse, modern stained glass

Church open daily, Monday – Friday 10am – 2pm, Saturday 10am – 3pm

St Mary's, Panteg

Church Lane, Panteg, Pontypool, NP4 0TS

Toilets, car park and flat access available

Hidden Gems - 12th century font, painted triptych, famous Rector Adam of Usk

Tuesday 11th June, 10am - 1pm – tours of the church with an updated guide


Wednesday 12th June, 1.30 - 4.30pm – “Some hidden history of the women of St Mary’s” talk at 2pm, free refreshments

Friday 14th June, 12 - 3pm – churchyard wanderings, see some special monuments and gravestones

St Michael’s, Pontymoile

Usk Road, Pontypool, NP4 0JF

Parking outside the church, flat access, toilets in next door pub


Hidden Gem - Walkinshaw windows, barrel roof, famous Rector Parson Cook, ancient yews

Thursday 10th June, 10am - 1pm – guided tour with new leaflets

Saturday 15th June, 11am - 2pm – learn about Parson Christopher Cook, flower arranging taking place

Sunday 16th June, 9am - 12.30pm – morning service, all welcome, refreshments after service with a chance to view church registers, see some unusual gravestones and ancient yew trees

St Paul’s, Capel Newydd

Coed Cae, Capel Newydd, Blaenavon, NP4 9AN

Details to follow!

St Peter’s, Blaenavon

Blaenavon, NP4 9AE

Free Refreshments and toilet are available in the church. Several Parking areas are nearby.

Built in the late 1700s by Ironmasters a Blaenavon St. Peter’s was dedicated in 1805. It was a showcase for the ironworks and still retains several of the early 19th century features.

Hidden Gems

The cast-iron font, pillars which hold up the galleries, frames of doors and windows.

In the churchyard are the iron topped tombs of the iron masters.

The bell tower includes a fine ring of eight bells.


Saturday June 8th, 10am - 4pm

(The churchyard is accessible at all times)

A quiet corner is available for thought and prayer.

12midday –Local bell ringers will demonstrate their skills and at

3.20pm - a team of visiting bell ringers will demonstrate theirs.

(Both sessions simultaneously videoed and displayed on screen in the church)

Music during the day includes organ and guitar playing.

Church records, a display of wedding photographs and historical photographs related to the Church will be on view.

Ongoing guided tours of church and churchyard with updated leaflets.

Sunday 9th June, 10.30am - Joint Eucharist service all welcome.

Thursday 13th June, 10am - Said Service followed by refreshments. All welcome.

St Peter, Llanwenarth Citra

Abergavenny, NP7 7EP

Hidden Gem - Ancient churchyard dating back to Celtic times; and unique dole cupboard

Church open daily, 10am – 4:30pm

Explore local history, as well as wildlife in the church yard, guides to help available.

Informal organ recitals on newly restored organ.

Tea and cake on offer.

St Tewdric’s, Mathern

Mathern, Chepstow, NP16 6JA

Refreshments, toilets (in separate building), on road parking, access ramp available

Church open daily, 10am – 4pm


Hidden Gem - The wooden carved screen behind the Altar, the tower sundial & the bells

9th June, 3pm - Come and join a wildlife count in the churchyard (with refreshments)

10th & 12th June - Church familiarisation for the local nursery including the use of puppets & music

12th June, 7pm - Organ & Trumpet Recital with cheese & wine

13th & 14th June, 10am-12pm - Tea & Chat inviting in walkers

13th June, 7.30 - bell-ringing

History Tour available at any time during the week

Trelleck Grange, Chepstow

Trellech Grange, Chepstow, NP16 6QR

Church open daily, 10am – 6pm


Hidden Gem - The oldest Cistercian Chapel still in use in Wales

14th – 16th June - flower festival