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Generosity Week

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What is Generosity Week?

Welsh content

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This year we are proud to launch Generosity Week in the Diocese of Monmouth. During this week we encourage ministry areas and churches to reflect on the generosity and gratitude which are embedded so richly within in our faith. The Bible tells us of the gracious and limitless love of our God and the incredible depths Jesus went to on our behalf. Then, again and again, we are reminded to give what we have to others and to share our blessings. The concept of generosity is a true cornerstone of our faith. Jesus taught us,

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‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’(Matthew 22:27-40)

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As we get ready to step into Advent, a season full of preparation and promise, this week will root us in recognition of all the gifts we receive from God and hopefully spur us to action in response. We ask you to uplift one another in prayer and work towards the growth and flourishment of God's Kingdom here on Earth. Let us be lights in the world, full of hope and love.

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Ministry Resources for Services

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Sermon Starter - Gratitude (24.11.24)Sermon Starter - Generosity (24.11.24)Sermon Starter - Gratitude (01.12.24)Sermon Starter - Generosity (01.12.24)Intercession Prayers

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Stewardship Resources

2025 - Monthly Personal Stewardship Calendar

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More resources to come each week as we count down to Generosity Week!