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New Ministry Area Leader for Beechwood

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The Rt Revd Cherry Vann is delighted to announce that Fr David Matthews has been appointed Ministry Area Leader for Beechwood.Fr David is a familiar face in the diocese, having served here since 1997, serving as priest in the Beechwood Ministry Area since 2012.Bishop Cherry said: “David brings immense gifts and experience to the role of MAL which will stand him in good stead as he leads the ministry team and congregations of the Beechwood MA into the next chapter of their life together. I very much look forward to working with him in this new role.”Originally from Ireland, Fr David worked as an interpreter, University lecturer and Secondary Schools Modern Languages Inspector, before Ordination in the Church of Ireland. He came to the Diocese of Monmouth in 1997 where he has been ever since.Alongside Parish Ministry, he works in Spiritual Direction, Lay and Ordained Ministry Supervision and is a Selector on the Provincial Discernment Panel for Ordained Ministry. He is Bishop’s Advisor for Healing, Wholeness and Reconciliation.Fr David said: “I have been a priest in the Deanery since 2012 - which has now become Beechwood Ministry Area. I am looking forward to leading and working further with the diversity of congregations and communities in the ministry area so that Beechwood can become even more a place where the love of God is known and made known - and lives are changed, for the better!”Fr David's licensing will be on Monday 16 September, 7pm at SS Julius and Aaron church.

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