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Exciting news about our new 'hub' churches

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We are delighted to announce that recruitment for our new church ‘hubs’ is almost complete!The diocese has secured funding to create four new church communities over the next five years. Through social action and community engagement, these church plants will seek to bring the transforming love of Christ to their communities, aiming to bring the under 40s into a vibrant faith life.Currently we are setting-up two ‘hubs’ – one in Tredegar and one in Chepstow – with plans to extend to other areas in the future. This exciting project needs the right people to drive it forward and we are pleased to announce that Adrian Davila, has been appointed hub church leader for Tredegar (with the Children and Families Pioneer role currently being advertised), while the Chepstow hub will be led by Revds Zoe and Barney Pimentel, alongside Clare Edwards as Children and Families Pioneer.Adrian, a friendly Tredegar local, is an active member of several communities within the town, including boxing. He has a passionate and infectious faith and enjoys growing in his own discipleship as he walks alongside those new in faith. He has a professional background in coaching, digital marketing and social media. Adrian aims to bring his creativity, passion and local knowledge to his Hub Church Plant Lead role and his local knowledge as with the Hub team they seek to grow the new church and make missional endeavours in Tredegar. Revds Zoe and Barney Pimentel have recently joined the diocese as 0.5 Ministry Area Leader and 0.5 Team Vicar in the Severn Wye Ministry Area. To benefit the growth of the church in Chepstow and the whole Ministry Area, they will also share the role of hub church leader for the Chepstow hub. The couple met at training college in Bristol, and have been in joint ordained ministry for over 10 years, spending the last seven as vicars of St.Alban’s Coventry. Bringing their extensive experience in church growth, Zoe also worked for two years as Coventry Cathedral’s Lead Chaplain Missioner, and is a qualified Youth & Community Worker. Barney was Assistant Area Dean for Coventry East and on Diocesan Synod before moving to our diocese.Clare joins us from Coventry and where she is currently a Children and Families worker for a church in Kenilworth. As a qualified primary age teacher with SEN specialty, she comes with a huge amount of experience in working in this field. As well as developing and maintain existing pioneering outreach activities, she has launched various projects that have enabled children and families to discover the love of God and to engage with the church, including holiday clubs, bumps and babies groups and Lego church.

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