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New partnership will help churches raise funds

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We are pleased to announce we have partnered with funding website easyfundraising to help churches raise funds.Through the easyfundraising partnership, 8,000 retailers including eBay, John Lewis, Etsy, Tesco, M&S, Screwfix, Waitrose, Argos, Moonpig, Boots and trainline will donate money to your church when your church community shop online with them – for free.When your supporters use the easyfundraising website or app to find a retailer they want to shop with, the retailer sends your church a free donation based on how much they spend. It doesn’t cost anything extra as the retailer pays the donation, not the shopper.It’s a bit like using a cashback site, but instead of one individual benefiting, your church community can pull together and raise for your church. Anything from a weekly grocery shop to a family holiday can generate a free donation.How it worksParishioner Sarah wants to buy a birthday present for her friend. Instead of directly visiting the M&S website, Sarah first goes to easyfundraising's website and then clicks on the M&S link. easyfundraising will redirect Sarah to the M&S website, where she can browse and make a purchase just as she normally would. The fantastic part is that since Sarah started her shopping journey at easyfundraising, her church will receive 3% of her spending directly from M&S without any additional cost to her.The benefits:Completely free to register and useOpen to all churches The funds you raise class as unrestricted funds so you can use your donations as you wishEasy and quick to sign up and get started – no paperworkWhat do other churches think?"We would absolutely recommend easyfundraising to other churches! It’s such an easy way to raise much needed funds. Since joining less than six months ago, we’ve raised £365, for our youth programme. All this without one person spending an additional penny. It also encourages people to feel more involved and part of the parish, in that they are making a difference even through their everyday shopping, which is a community benefit that you can’t place value on!” Director of Youth Ministry Georgia, St Elizabeth’s of PortugalGetting startedClick here to create your church profile on the easyfundraising site. Get familiar with easyfundraising. You can book a call with one of the team, who will show you around, so you are up to speed on how it works if you think this would be helpful. Use the free marketing tools including social media copy, images, posters, and flyers in your easyfundraising account to tell your church community how easy it is for them to support you when they shop online. Register your church with easyfundraising hereIf you have questions, our contact at easyfundraising is very happy to help you -

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