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Diocesan Celebration Service

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More than 200 people filled St Mary’s Church, Abergavenny for our first Diocesan Celebration Service.Nearly every ministry area was represented as families came together on a sunny Saturday morning for worship and fellowship – and lots of cake! - to celebrate the life of the diocese.Bishop Cherry’s sermon celebrated Pentecost, saying: “We remember the day when the disciples of Jesus were transformed by the Holy Spirit, motivating and inspiring them to share the extraordinary news of God's love for each and every person."She then reminded us: "It can inspire us to do what we never thought possible."Encouraging us to be confident in mission so that as people come into our churches, Bishop Cherry, said: "We want people who encounter us as a church family to sense this is a good place to be as they feel welcome for who they are."Read the full sermon hereWe were blessed with some wonderfully uplifting music on the day – from pupils of Llantilio Pertholey Primary School whose beautiful singing opened and closed our worship, also the worship band from Monmouth Marches Ministry Area, and Judith Pendrose on the organ.While the ‘grown-ups’ enjoyed a cuppa after the service, the courtyard of St Mary’s was transformed with games and activities, bringing together toddlers and teenagers.It was a wonderful way to celebrate our life as a church family and welcome others ­– in fact, it was so good we are going to do it again next year!

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