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Young people are focus of £3m evangelism project

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Young people and families are the focus of a landmark £3m project being launched by churches in south-east Wales.The Diocese of Monmouth has secured funding to create four new church communities over the next five years. Through social action and community engagement, these church plants will seek to bring the transforming love of Christ to their communities, aiming to bring the under 40s into a vibrant faith life.The funding is from the Church in Wales’ Evangelism Fund, set up six years ago for diocesan projects to help people engage with the Christian faith in new and exciting ways. This has the potential to bring new energy and hope to the life of our diocese. Announcing the project, the Bishop of Monmouth, Cherry Vann said, “I am immensely grateful to all who have worked so hard to get our Evangelism Bid across the line. The £3m grant will enable us to do some focused work in establishing new worshipping communities, drawing children and families into faith and discipleship. This has the potential to provide us with a step change in our missional activity and bring new energy and hope to the life of our diocese.”The funding allows the Diocese of Monmouth to embody the diocesan vision (launched in 2022) which placed evangelism at the heart of its mission. Each church plant will be resourced with a leader, and children and families’ pioneer, allowing them to develop organically and without placing burdens on existing clergy. The funding aims to grow these church plants into self-sustaining communities by the end of the five years.The project is strategically crafted to engage and welcome the under 40s into the fold of a dynamic faith life. Through the establishment of communities in Chepstow and Tredegar, and two more locations in 2026, the project aims to foster a sense of belonging and family within the Church in Wales.Geraint Davies, Chair of the Evangelism Fund Committee said, “This a well thought out project which will benefit the communities which it will serve. I look forward to continuing to support Bishop Cherry and her team as churches are planted in Tredegar and Chepstow.”

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