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Diocesan link with the Highveld in South Africa

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Monmouth Diocese has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary link with the Highveld in South Africa.The connection was further strengthened during our recent Diocesan Conference when a motion to continue the link for a further five years was supported.Speaking at conference, Bishop Cherry, said: “The link is much, much more than simply sending money for good projects. We are not interested in perpetuating a rather colonial and patronising attitude towards a poorer church in the developing world. As the motion suggests, the purpose of the link was, and still is, to partner together in the work of living and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. In so doing, we aim to support and strengthen the work of the church across two very different continents and in very different cultures; learning from one another, growing together in friendship and love, and deepening our faith in the one God who calls us all.”There have been several trips to the Highveld during the last 20 years, and Bishop Cherry is currently in South Africa making her first trip.Joined by others from across the diocese, including lay and ordained, the group is midway through the trip and despite an incredibly busy schedule, the rewards are already evident.Speaking from South Africa, Bishop Cherry said: “It’s proving to be an extraordinary visit. Many of us have been moved to tears by some of things we’ve seen and heard. We are looking forward to sharing our experience with churches across the Diocese and redoubling our efforts to support and strengthen our Link both practically and through prayer.”

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Just a few images from the trip....