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Harvest Vocations

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Harvest is a time of year for us to stop and notice. We live in a different time from our ancestors where the harvest and bringing the harvest in would have dominated everyone’s lives. Today we hardly notice it, we carry on with our lives as if nothing is changing. But the creation all around us is changing and now we move into Autumn and the leaves are changing colours and falling from the trees.Just like these leaves, all of us have had different experiences this year, different challenges. Just like these leaves, each one is unique and each one is beautiful. God has written His beauty into creation. Jesus tells us that we should look at the flowers of the field. Stop and notice. See how God has made these leaves so beautiful, if God cares that much to make a leaf on a tree so beautiful, how much more does God care for you?Harvest is a time when we thank God for the gifts he has given us, for our uniqueness and gifts we all have. These gifts may be prodding us to think about our own vocations. Vocation is personal, individually-sized and as distinctive to each of us as our facial features or the veins on a leaf. It will change and evolve as life changes. It will take on new forms with every new day and with every additional grey hair! So today I encourage you all to stop and notice this Harvest, ponder the leaves on the tree, and where God might be prompting you to go next on your journey of life. To think again about the question: Where is God calling me? To help us think about Harvest and Vocations we have a video reflection from Revd Dr Trystan Owain Hughes.

Welsh content

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Almighty God, you have given me the gift of life, and the gift of your Holy Spirit. For these incredible gifts, I thank you. Help me to use them well. Deepen within me a desire to do your will. Help me to hear and answer your call to serve you. Guide me to the vocation you have chosen for me. Amen Pob Bendith, Revd Canon Becca