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The Five Branches

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English content

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Join The Ven Stella Bailey, Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys and Director of Mission, as she chats about discipleship and how it is one of the branches of our Diocesan Vision, to be launched at our Diocesan Conference in October. This is the first in a series of films exploring the 5 branches of our vision and how they all support 'Faith in our Future'

Welsh content

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The Ven Stella Bailey shares her thoughts on what 'living as generous people' means as we explore Stewardship as part of our Diocesan Vision.

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Ven Stella Bailey discusses why caring for God's creation, is one of the key themes of diocesan vision.

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Social Justice

Ven Stella Bailey reminds us why "it's a response to our faith that we speak out and challenge the unjust structures of society" in the latest installment of short films discussing the five branches of our diocesan vision.

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Equality & Diversity

Archdeacon Stella asks us what assumptions and attitudes God is opening our eyes up to in order to make our church communities places of 'explicit welcome'.