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Diocesan Conference 2021

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English content

Section title block 1

Faith in our future

Welsh content

Text block 2

Preparations are well underway for this year’s Diocesan Conference, which will be held on Thursday 14th October and Saturday 16th October.The conference will once again be held online via Zoom, but there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss, explore and engage!The Right Revd Cherry Vann, Bishop of Monmouth, said: “I am very much looking forward to our Diocesan Conference this week and to the work we will be doing together on Saturday to help shape our Diocesan Vision.“‘Faith in our Future’ is our new strapline and will set the tone for the Conference and for our life and witness as the Diocese of Monmouth in the coming years.”The conference will look at how we can work together to shape our ‘faith in the future, focusing on the key areas of - discipleship, stewardship, equality, social justice and environmental issues.

Resources block 3

Conference will be live-streamed



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Resources block 5

Conference papers

How to register


Conference Report

Monmouth Diocesan Board of Finance Accounts Report


Section title block 6

Presidential Address by Bishop Cherry

Resources block 7


Conference Address by Bishop Cherry

5 Themes of Conference Films

Imagination exercise with Ian Loynd