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11:13 YB - 6 Gor 2023
We want to encourage young people to have practical ways to care for the environment. We want to encourage them to… https://t.co/5cng9t60dI
11:12 YB - 6 Gor 2023
https://t.co/vmcfOK7NU0 #NHS75 @Gould2Jan @LlandaffDio @WGHealthandCare @Eluned_Morgan #GIG75
11:10 YB - 6 Gor 2023
New transition assembly just going live on our schools’ resource page based on Dr Seuss’ ‘Oh the Places You Will Go… https://t.co/UWMnddhsSJ
09:56 YB - 3 Gor 2023
We had an amazing time last night launching our @opentablelgbt community. Our great thanks to all who helped make… https://t.co/rbsiCrjCho
03:58 YH - 2 Gor 2023
Well, I'm getting that much closer to the Skydive, which will now be on 22nd July at Swansea Airfield! 🪂 So far, an… https://t.co/iatVJRhjqQ
03:58 YH - 2 Gor 2023
Great celebration this morning as Sue Davies-Fletcher was licensed by @cherry_vann as Vicar in the Heart of Monmout… https://t.co/8YNcq7zSp2
05:33 YH - 30 Meh 2023
✝️*Job Opportunity*
Interested in working with the Deaf / Hard of hearing / Deaf-blind communities in South-East Wa… https://t.co/uyGR3LKGcu
12:32 YH - 29 Meh 2023
Last chance to register an interest in electric vehicle charging points at your church. Deadline is this Friday -… https://t.co/lw3Eb4u50p
12:31 YH - 29 Meh 2023
We’re compiling a play list of music to use in worship and to accompany prayer at home. Let us know your favourite… https://t.co/etGpH7L5r7
12:31 YH - 29 Meh 2023
Wow, a whopping £2,290 has been raised so far for my Skydive on Saturday 1st July and there is still time to donate… https://t.co/obCbcff9xF